

Process of a donation processed by a Nonprofit payment processor - GETTRX


Step 1: Donor Makes the Donation
The donor makes a donation of a certain amount using their credit/debit card.

Step 2: The Donor Information Goes to the Payment Gateway
Once the donor initiates the transaction, their donation goes to the payment gateway. The gateway ensures that the credit card is not fraudulent and that the donation is made by a human, not a robot. If the card gets rejected, the payment gateway returns the message to the nonprofit website to alert the donor.

If things go well, the payment processing goes to the next step.

Step 3: The Donation is Sent to the Merchant Account
After the donation is verified, the payment processor initiates the transfer process, and the donation goes from the issuing bank to the merchant account.

Step 4: Donor Information goes to the Database
When the donor donates, they submit certain information to your nonprofit. This information includes the name, address, phone number, and email address. This information should be stored in the donor’s database, from which you can export it and upload it into your CRM system.

Step 5: This is the final stage. In this stage, the money gets deposited in the nonprofit’s account.